We have some great things to cheer about Go Lead Idaho’s efforts in the last year, especially looking at the results of the primary campaign!
Congratulations to Emily Walton, member of the Go Lead Idaho Executive Committee, for running a fantastic, and very hard-fought, campaign for Holli High Woodings (a GLI alumna) for the Democrat nomination for House Seat 19B!! Congrats to Holli, who will now prepare for the General Election.
And, congrats to Jennifer Martinez, a recent attendee of Go Lead Idaho’s “Ready to Lead” forum, for running a successful campaign for Mat Erpelding for House Seat 19A!
The following Go Lead Idaho supporters all ran unopposed in their districts and will also prepare for the November General Election. Good luck, ladies!
– Betty Richardson (D), Senate District 15
– Phylis King (D), House District 18B
– Cherie Buckner Webb (D), Senate District 19
– Sharon Fischer (D), House District 22B
Congratulations, too, to the following new Precinct Committeewomen:
– Julie Hart (R), Precinct 1901
– Brenda Maynard-Walters (R), Precinct 1808
– Cece Gassner (D), Precinct 1909.
It was terrific to see the number of women running for offices at all levels of government! We have a lot of opportunity, but it looks like we’re off to a great start!
If you’d like to take a look at the results in Ada County, here is a link: http://www.adaweb.net/elections/el60.htm
And here is a link to the Canyon County results: http://www.canyonco.org/2012_Primary_Election_Results/
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