“You just don’t get to be in venues and places with these people. Take this time as a privilege and an honor and a personal call to action to take something away from it.”
A good reminder from Deanna Oppenheimer as she took the stage for her talk ‘Leading on the Diagonal in a Vertically Challenged World.’
Deanna’s story is one that began in Parma, Idaho and led to her being a global financial powerhouse.
Recognized globally as one of the decade’s most influential leaders in
financial services, Deanna Oppenheimer is an acclaimed turnaround
strategist known for her ability to transform entrenched institutions
into customer-centric champions.
Hired by Barclays in 2005 to renovate its very British, 350-year old
retail bank from the inside out, Deanna joined the company at a time
most employees were not expecting or ready for that. Six years later,
the once staid organization had blossomed into a Retail Banking
powerhouse, and Deanna was ranked as one of the two most powerful
women in banking.
On Business Success
One of the most important things you will get out of any type of business career is a mentor – being one or being mentored. Because it is a two way street. But another important aspect is the move from mentorship to sponsorship.
The women reason fall out of big corporate jobs, is not because they can’t get their start, it is not to do so much with their quality of work. It is all the other stuff of life that goes on. And their lack of a sponsor relationship in their career.
What Deanna identified as key to career success:
- A curiosity to love solving problems
- A curiosity to love diverse people
- A curiosity to add more skillsets that keep you relevant and current
And if you have all of those attributes it’s exciting, and people want to give you opportunities and follow you for solutions.
On Leadership
There is now a real shift in society that is demanding a new leadership style and change. A tipping point has arrived.
There is a radical shift of control from the few elite at the top to the masses.
There is a vacuum of leadership that requires new skills and motivations.
Those we are leading are demanding it. They are demanding greater accountability. And they have more power than ever at their fingertips.
Success comes when those that are lead feel empowered, inspired and indeed…led. It’s not about the leaders, it is about those we lead.
Companies are experiencing a shift from an internal controlling culture to one of engagement.
On Diagonal Leadership
Traditionally companies organize themselves vertically. But now, the diagonal has come into effect. You have to have real information sharing and transparency. In the old world, information hoarded is power. In the new world, information shared is power. Hierarchy is useful and necessary, but informal networks lead to most strategic change
(Here is a presentation Deanna gave recently explaining the diagonal leadership approach.)
She left the audience with some pointed and practical thoughts on what will make a difference in a woman’s career:
- Be authentic and demonstrate real expertise: don’t get there on the back of a quota, don’t undersell what you can deliver
- Don’t try to out-man a man: enjoy your femininity
- Have a set of icebreaker topics that appeal to a diverse group of business people
- Document your results and in a factual way, SHARE THEM. Don’t wait for someone to recognize your performance, inform them of it
- Your family is your backbone. But approach it as a team and share in responsibilities
- Don’t undershoot your career aspirations.
And her parting words of inspiration…
Go forth and be a leader of one.
Fire your engine, stay on the tracks and keep moving forward.
Best way to predict the future is for you to be the one to create it.