Ready to Run: Nuts & Bolts of Government & Political Party Structure
- Professor Gary Moncrief, Political Science, Boise State University
- Betty Richardson, Attorney/Advisor, U.S., Department of Justice, Executive Office for United States Attorneys
- Sally Boynton Brown, Communications Director, Idaho Democratic Party
- Moderator: Karianne Fallow, Public Affairs Practice Group, Red Sky PR
Gary starts off with a few insights into the state of women in elected leadership in Idaho and across the nation.
- Not only are there fewer women in the Idaho Legislature, there are fewer women in leadership positions.
- Curious case of the partisan gap. In state legislatures – women make up a much greater percentage of Democratic legislators than Republican. 32% Democrat, 17% Republican
- In the executive branch it is much more balanced:
- 38Democrats, 33 Republican
- Governor: 4 Republican, 2 Democrat
- 7Republican, 4 Democrat
If you are thinking of running for office, Dr Moncrief says to read
- Catherine Shaw’s The Campaign Manager, 4th edition
- Jeff Blodgett & Bill Lofy’s Winning Your Election the Wellstone Way
Precincts are the smallest political units we have, each precinct reports to one polling place. Precinct captains (PC) are elected by the citizens of their precinct and are charged with connecting the people in their precinct to the Party and the Party to the people.
County Organizations
Each of our 44 counties has a County Central Committee (CCC). The County Central Committee is composed of all the Precinct Captains located inside the county along with an Executive Committee. The Executive Committee normally consists of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, State Committeeman, and State Committeewoman. Each CCC is responsible for recruiting and supporting candidates for elected offices in their county.
Many county organizations hold monthly meetings. These meetings are scheduled for the purpose of sharing information about district, county and state party matters as well as current issues and candidate recruitment.
- Women need to be thinking of other women
- I don’t believe that there is anybody that shouldn’t be held to account for their actions in office
- As long as the people who disagree with the incumbents are invisible, they will continue to ignore you
- Good government is not an instant proposition – it is an endurance test
- Win or lose – is this worth doing? It is. It spurs dialogue – the conversation has been advanced