NOTE: The following is not an endorsement of any political candidate, political party or campaign.
On Thursday, August 23rd, Betty Richardson (candidate for Idaho Senate) will sponsor two galvanizing events honoring the commitment and courage of women who champion equality and justice. She enthusiastically invites members of Go Lead Idaho to join her!
Join us at 7 PM for a private, one-time screening of the movie “Iron Jawed Angels” at Boise’s Egyptian Theatre. This powerful and inspirational film, about the women who made universal suffrage in America a reality, will play from 7 – 9 pm. 92 years ago this August, the 19th Amendment became law. This seemed a fitting time to celebrate. There is no charge to attend this event, but an RSVP is required to guarantee seating. Additional details can be found here: Iron Jawed Angels Flyer (PDF) (2)
People who are interested in attending the event are encouraged to email:, provide their name, mailing address, and cell phone number, and specify that they are interested in attending the film.